Call for images and stories from Base31

Everyone has a story.Base31 has a rich and glorious history in both Prince Edward County and with people around the world.Base31Base31 was built in 1940 as part of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. This place helped train aircrews from the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand during World War II. We’ve outlined some…

Historical Walking Tours of Picton

When was the last time you took the time to explore the place you live in?Or to visit a new place and go deep into that new place? Learn about its facts and figures, quirks and quarks. Hear about tales and take in simple breathtaking moments. A historical walking tour is like bathing in the…

Natures Aviators ~ Public Art + Placemaking

The call  Over the past century, Base31 played an important role in the nation’s aviation history, first as an air training base, and in the decades since as a hub for local flying clubs and aviation lovers.  Yet Prince Edward County is home to over 300 bird species and reminds us that aviation is not…